Opowiadania erotyczne :: Cindy Drunk, Stripped, and Exposed

A mature wife was drinking and teasing all the men that night at a party. After some time had passed and several drinks later, she sat down and was fast asleep. It was then that someone decided to strip her and take her cloths. Now everybody at the party was able to see her naked. as everyone stood around looking and laughing at how careless she was to get so drunk where there was a bunch of horny guys gathered together. It was then decided to take some photos of her all helpless and exposed like a cheap whore. After the photos were taken, it was then decided to send the photos to all her friends, coworkers, and family members. Just to make sure any and every one was able to see what a trashy webslut she had become, the photos were upload on the web. At one time, a couple of guys carried her to a bedroom and shut the door. A couple of hours later and after several different people visited the room. She was returned to the chair she had passed out in. I wonder just how many men took a turn fucking her without her even knowing about it. Except that her ass and pussy was raw and sore from all the pounding that they received while she was passed out. I would LOVED to have seen the look on her face when see woke up and realized that she was naked and unwillingly became entertainment for all the men and women at the party that night. When her husband arrived to pick her up later, how do you suppose she explained why she was naked and could hardly walk or sit because her ass was hurting so much. And how do you explain that your cloths just disappeared and could not be found any where.
Dodał boner47 22.06.2020 07:25

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